"Could you throw out some seeds please?"

Dear Diary,

Mourning Doves are ground feeders.  The hanging feeders don't work for them.  I keep a cleared area off the porch so I can spread seed for them.  As I have observed the birds over the years I've come to know their individual needs and they are all different, like people.  One size doesn't fit all.

I love photographing my doves.  Their soft brown color and pink feet and that sweet way they have of tilting their head.  Their sharp claws certainly make walking on the ice much easier for them than it was for me yesterday.  Even with my crampons I was nervous.

Two more days and then we reach the winter solstice.  The darkening days will be over and slowly, very slowly, the light will return.  But we have many weeks of ice and snow to go through yet so, don't worry little dove, I will be flinging lots of seed out for you!

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