
Ever since I was three years old, I've had to wear glasses.  Of course, now that I'm nearing my dotage, the glasses have multiplied.  Because I'm far too vain to wear bifocals, I have a pair of reading glasses in addition to my "regular" spectacles.

Yesterday, after we had buckled ourselves into our airplane seats, I took my reading glasses out of their case so that I could tackle a crossword puzzle.  To my horror, the frame on the left side had snapped, and the lens came flying out of the case and landed on the floor under the seat in front of me!  No reading glasses = no reading, no computering, no crossword puzzles, no anything except staring off into the dim distance.  Mr. W came to the rescue by executing a rather deft (if somewhat inelegant) repair with the help of a Band-Aid supplied by the flight attendant.  The bad news is that as it's Christmas week, it will be quite some time before I'll be able to replace my specs!

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