Blue Day!

Yes Girls and Boys! I have been playing!! A dull colourless day. The picture is of the the River Torridge at Bideford. I promise to take a pretty one in the Spring/Summer.
I am now hitting Christmas panic mode! I have tomorrow to tidy up the house. No I am not expecting visitors. I am driving from west to east to spend Christmas with my step son and his wife. So no visitors. I have a suitcase to pack for 4 days, camera kit (most important) to clean, check and pack. A laptop to make sure I have updates and have all the passwords. A car to clean and do (what used to be called in the Army) first parade. Etc, etc,etc.
Is there anyone out there who is as daft as me?

While I am still fairly with it, thank you for all your comments and stars , etc for which I am very grateful. Now where did I put that bottle of gin?

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