Our life with Autism

By Cjrach

Stop messing about

I'm trying to take a picture.

Andrea Rach and I walked over to the Italian tonight to order take out pizza on the way I tried to take my blip picture but they just couldn't resist scratching their bums.

We had a nice lie in today, Chris didn't wake till 9, I say that but he does wake in the night and I just tell him to go back to sleep and he does.
Tony and I alternate each night between Rach's room and Chris as we couldn't put Rach in with him, I do wonder if we where in his room at home if he would go back to sleep like he does here.

Did a trip to the solicitors and the resort Administrators to sort a few bits out that took a whole two hrs and it's only a five min walk to the office, nothing is ever quick over here.
we spent the rest of the day around the pool and the evening on the terrace.

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