What's going on?

Another day roaming with Naresh in his Marigold tuktuk – first out to a strange little temple in the Dalit area – another name for untouchable or Harijan class.  There were houses on the rubbish dump quarry but children were beautifully clean and smart in their school uniforms and there were pigs everywhere for they eat pork.  This means that in some ways they are fairly healthy and better nourished than many others.  They do all the dirty jobs, sweeping, sorting rubbish, cleaning loos etc. Then to the Monkey Temple where people were washing in the Holy waters.  En route we saw pieces of material stuck on bushes beside the road – Naresh said they were pieces cut from new clothing to be worn after washing – it is done for good luck.  There were also pieces of old clothing which he said were thrown away with the old karma after washing it away while wearing them.  I have also heard that clothing, a shawl or something that has been worn by a sick person, is taken out far away from the home and stuck on a bush which is supposed to take the sickness away with it.
The monkeys were in good form – one tried to take my coke bottle – but one little twin baby was giving concern to his mother and his much healthier sibling kept on bouncing all over him.  Biggest thrill of the day was seeing two mongoose (?mongeese) and some little desert rats (see the extras) which are probably in the mongoose diet.  We ate at a Sikh dharba and visited the wholesale fruit and veg markets – everywhere people wanted their photos taken and I’ve had to delete so many.  May not be able to post tomorrow as I’m off by train to Udaipur.
come roaming with me

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