Winter solstice

I have waited for the sun turn, and so it did 11:44!
But with rain and icy cold wind, I was not tempted to get outside and celebrate the turning sun. 

But a perfect day to continue to decorate the house for Christmas and relax with a Christmas Chai :-) 

In Norway we decorate the homes with "Nisse" or  Barn elf, a creature from Norwegian folklore. He was described as a short man, not bigger than a horse's head, with lang beard and with clothes similar as the farmers and a red long hat. 

He lived in barns, very shy and hardly ever seen. But if you, especially at Christmas, put a large bowl of porridge and  home-brewed beer in the barn in the evening, he would be a good little helper in the barn looking after the livestock. The nisse could be very angry and do mischief if not treated well.  

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