
By SkiMe

Ulysses and The Journey Home To Ithaca

CC had her school Christmas recital today.  Though the school's auditorium / music room is very fanciful and a beautiful room, last year we couldn't really see or follow much from our seating position.  This year, they moved it to a theater to the belly aches of many parents since a bit further a far.  In any case, we got there a half hour ahead of time to make sure we were one of the first through the doors...  not to be cheated like last year and also to the emphatic requests of CC to be able to see us.  I don't know if she expected us in the front row, but that is what she got.  :)

I am no literary genius... especially when it comes to Homer's Odyssey... this year's theme was Ulysses voyage of 10 years which gave a creative opportunity to showcase the age of several school classes as Ulysses himself would have aged over the journey.  Somewhere after all the wind gets let out of Ulysses leather bag, they meet the the cannibalistic Laestygonians - who got hungry and ate all the animals (CC and her two close friends on either side being chickens)...

You have to give credit to the art director, he really did a great job and lodes to his creative story telling.  :)

Winter solstice.  Happy me.  Let's hope this warm spot passes and snow arrives in the mountains!!!!

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