
By PhilattheBeach

Beginning To Look Like A White Christmas (week)

So yesterday I blipped white swans along with their little white goosie friend (offspring?)
Today I found a pair of American White Pelicans floating around in the marsh pond.
These are BIG birds, their wingspan is second largest only to the California Condor of any birds in the entire U.S.
It started out to be a nice day anyway but as I was leaving I stumbled on some loose gravel and ended up doing a swan dive face first over a wood guardrail and into the roadway.
After spending two hours in Urgent Care getting X Rays to determine no bones were broken I slunk home with various cuts, scrapes, and bruises.
Oh, and it wasn't just me that got busted up. My main Camera and newest 300mm telephoto lens also took the dive with me. The lens looks sad and I haven't yet worked up the courage to see how bad the camera is hurt.
White Christmas in bird world maybe, but not so merry for me at this point.
Oh well... 

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