Our Poodle Sized Christmas Tree

Finally! We have a tree! Yay!! Not on the balcony, but inside, with decorations and everything! I'm SO happy!

We decorated the tree last night. Mum decided to try her traditional home-made ornaments first, but that was a complete fiasco. I grabbed the first, shredded it to pieces trying to get to the twenty-year-old toffee in the middle. We now have an English dog, a Danish Santa and two pine cone Santas that I declared not interesting in the tree. And a few other things... I really like it!

Today was the first day after winter solstice, and the sun made an appearance to celebrate we think. We went forest walkies at the double bird lakes close to the dog club. The lakes had been drained, so no water! Weird. I had a glorious time in the forest, it's one of my favourite walks, especially in winter. And then, as a special treat, we went to a well-known restaurant for lunch! A no bread, no onion cheese burger for me. And fries!

It could have been my birthday, I'm so happy.

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