Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Under the Bridge

At the western end of the Katoomba Railway Station platform is the road traffic overpass for vehicles approaching the Katoomba CBD. Underneath the northern end of the bridge, across a huge concrete retaining wall is one of Vernon Treweeke's largest ever murals. Pictured is the left hand side of the work but the right has been badly marred by water flow and mud since its completion in 2008. It alludes to several of the Blue Mountains iconic features and tourist attractions, including: The Zig Zag Railway, Govetts Leap, The Valley of the Waters, The Giant Staircase  and The Scenic Railway.

There are many more works to be included in this ongoing document but the sight of the ruined section of this mural (see the extra) makes me more determined than ever to complete this series of street art blips sooner rather than later. The individual works are all so very impermanent and vulnerable it seems. This is especially true in cases such as Vernon Treweeke who is no longer with us and can never be engaged for restoration projects.

Just a comment on Vernon. I am no art critic but I have always known what I liked. I am unable to suggest that Vernon is a great artist in any sophisticated technical sense. His pictures may easily be described as "naïve" or "primitive".  But they DO embody the feel of human settlement in the Blue Mountains which has oft been regarded (by a young country striving too hard for acceptance) as kitsch, quaint and maybe a trifle silly. In any event, I think Vernon is us in a very real way and for me his work embodies a colourful dynamism that really does belong.  

We'll be away joining family over the next few days and I won't post again until we return. Please accept my best wishes for a happy and fulfilling Christmas.

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