Merry Christmas Everyone!

Emerson here, for my annual Christmas greeting.  Every year Mom tries to get me to write a poem or sing a song.  Speaking of singing songs...if I hear one more chorus of that Hippo song I will have a regular hissy fit and I don't usual do hissy fits but I digress.

Mom thought that it was amusing to write on this photograph, another annoying Christmas song.  It is very true that I am missing one of my canine teeth.  It came out a long time ago but it does not impede my eating one little bit nor does it keep me from wishing you all a Merry Christmas.  I don't actually speak, of course, but you get idea.

Mom informed me this morning that she will be traveling to Massachusetts tomorrow to spend Christmas Eve and day with Auntie Karen.  She will be back on Boxing Day, I hope that means she is bringing me a nice big box to play in; what else could it mean?   That's  fine with me as we will be opening my our presents tonight and I can sleep in a catnip induced stupor for two days while she is gone.

I hope you all have a really great Christmas and that Santa Paws is good to you.  I'm sure he will be good to me, he's making a special trip to Maine today to give me my gifts!  Ta Ta for now!

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