The night before...

...........The night before Christmas.

Woke up at 3.30 :-/ into Asda by 7am. Meat was delivered. A chill in the bath. This afternoon we played scrabble. Josh and Bex have never played so they joined forces and Natalie won :-). Natalie also made us our own personalised gingerbread, mine had a camera aww! It was tasty too. A g&t, dinner and now I think I'm ready for bed.

This is my attempt at blending two photos for flower Friday with a twist. The 'flowers' are a festive bouquet of leaves and sparkly pine cones and the food is a fresh clementine bought this morning (I ate it after blipping it too!!). My kitchen worktop also seems to give a snow effect. Doesn't quite work but it does have a twist ;-))

Please stay safe with storm Barbara about to hit us. X

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