
By Bigdreamer

Poor baby

My little Lara is always tumbling, falling,banging,scraping and bumping herself! tonight she was climbing up on to the kitchen stool, and somehow pulled it over on top of her instead, with the whole weight of the chair falling on her face. Lip is really swollen and all split open. I must admit she is rather a tough little cookie, a few minutes later and peppa pig on you tube had her all smiles again.

Miss Maddie had a hearing test today, and they discovered that she is not hearing at all in one ear because of fluid, and the other ear is only at 40 percent, no wonder she is having trouble understanding things at school!!! she is so placid that she has never complained,just compensated for the loss by lip reading when she finds it hard to understand, the audioigst discovered this. We have booked her in for an operation to have fluid drain and grommets put in, in two weeks. The doctor said there will be a massive improvement and her voice will also change a bit in pitch too. Poor little thing I just wonder how long it has been like this, makes me feel real bad as a mother.

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