
The weather was so bad, so so bad, dark and very rainy and windy.  But CyclopsJnr is not the kind of child to accept being stuck in the house with just just Mummy all day.

So MrsCyclops and CyclopsJnr got all dressed up in their wellies and wet weather gear, and headed off for the swimming pool by bus.

It was OK, we got there and back alright, if a little bedraggled.

CyclopsJnr played for an hour at the pool, with the floats and a ball and a watering can.

When asked later what his favourite bit of the swim was, he answered "the special shoes" meaning the blue pool shoes you are supposed to put over your outdoor shoes.

After lunch and a nap, we made some cakes from a packet mix.  CyclopsJnr used the hand whisk and cracked the egg himself.  These ones actually went quite well and were pronounced edible by cyclops.  Thanks Morrisons!

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