
By Third_eye

An orchid for Christmas

Good morning everyone on this bright and chilly Christmas Eve, but I don't mind the cold because I am unlikely to be going anywhere for a while.

My kind neighbour who has been so helpful to me during my immobility has gone away now to spend the holiday with her family, but did a bit of shopping for me this morning and presented me with this little beauty to join my floral harem who will look over me in her absence.

What a kind thought, and a lovely Christmas present. I'll have to show my gratitude with two biscuits instead of the usual one, when she next calls for tea or coffee!

In the meantime I hope you will all enjoy yours and we'll meet again soon on 365.

I still have no idea what happened to my blip yesterday. Some of you have kindly replied but I cannot see it anywhere.  Hope today's will fare better, so if you can read this: Happy Christmas to One and All.

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