Well, what a year 2016 has been! But we've survived the plague, buried our cheese and survived the Great Fire. It's nearly Christmas, and you know, life's not so bad...
"Lay pretty long in bed, and then rose, leaving my wife desirous to sleep, having sat up till four this morning seeing her mayds make mince-pies. I to church, where our parson Mills made a good sermon. Then home, and dined well on some good ribbs of beef roasted and mince pies; only my wife, brother, and Barker, and plenty of good wine of my owne, and my heart full of true joy; and thanks to God Almighty for the goodness of my condition at this day." 


The Technical Stuff
Composite image consisting of 12 image focus stack of Stinking Iris, (Iris foetidissima - yes, I did bung it in the freezer for an hour to get the frost!) (D7200 35mm f4 1/200 ISO 100) and a separate foil bokeh layer lit by an LED torch (D7200 50mm f2.8 1/500 ISO 100) merged in Photoshop. Not sure if I actually like the final result or not - do I?

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