The Post Office, Munlochy... again. Another last minutes of the day Blip... of desperation, between the heavy showers.  Bit wild out, with storm "Barbara" still passing by. 

Was out and about in daylight for a change - walking between the repair garage and work, and then back. It rained (sideways) for nearly all of that time, and turned torrential whilst I stood by a railway crossing in town waiting for the train to go by. Drenched. Water running down my sodden trousers and filling my shoes. When I later removed the fleece jacket I'd been wearing, it seemed to have doubled in weight. Oh yeah, and started the day with cold/flu like symptoms too! Fortunately they eased after a Lemsip type drink, and as the day went by.

Good news was that the car exhaust was easily fixed, and didn't cost much - new back box. After collecting the car, arrived back at work in the middle of what seemed like a huge party. Hastily marched away from that, and hid in the workshop until almost everyone had headed for home, or the shops. Not the socialising type at all... even less so these days.

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