Two Streptopelia decaocto

A stormy Christmas walk around the village as Connor heralded his arrival today.
We had no drummers or pipers but did admire the bell ringers yuletide celebrations.
As the puddles formed our local lord of the manor, well, head of the parish council, was forced to jump to get into church.
The girls all gave us a twirl in their new Christmas dresses.
Coming back by the farm the cows were all in, but sadly the maids are long gone and the milking parlour whilst busy is automated.
The swans and geese all had enough sense to be keeping their heads down at the pond as we passed by.
We've currently a house full of sparkling gold, mostly decorations, though a ring or five could be found.
No birds called, they've all hidden from the storm.
But R&L's hens care not what the day is and continued to lay fresh eggs for breakfast, yummy.
These two made it to Blip and later we thought we saw a partridge in the pear tree but it turned out to be a pheasant under the apple tree.

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