
By Skaro7

Invading Insect Interloper Creates Moral Impasse

A pest from the green house. Starting to wish it was made of green bricks now. A pest, but interesting nonetheless.

It's a Bright-line Brown-eye or Tomato Moth - it doesn't live on them alone, but it remains possibly the biggest threat to your tomatoes since Dennis the Menace decided that they make perfect projectiles.

Undecided what to do with it. Wouldn't like to take the life of a defenceless larva, but can't risk re-infestation. If I do end up giving him a shove off of this mortal coil I'll do so by feeding him to the fish. At least that's sort of natural - circle of life and all that.

Sadly this may be the case, as keeping him will be a bit of a commitment because this species overwinters as a pupa, hatching out NEXT YEAR.



Learn more about the Bright-line Brown-eye Moth

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