Merry Christmas

A quiet day at home for Mrs madwill and myself. We are having Christmas dinner and our family celebration on Tuesday, as our daughter is working on 24th, 25th and 26th. Our fridges are full of food ready to cook - not much room for beer and wine sadly.

We did exchange our presents to each other - and we did eat a lot of chocolate!

A lot of the day was spent doing a jigsaw puzzle - something of a tradition in our house. The puzzle will stay on the dining table until it is finished - it even gets covered up if we need to eat! This year I got us a slightly unusual one - as the picture on the box is not quite the same as the puzzle solution. In this case the picture on the box depicts a castle with modern day tourists - but the puzzle picture is set as it may have been when it was in use. You have to 'imagine' the scene - with knights and peasants. It is quite fun!

I did get out for a walk - it was very grey when we set out,  but the clouds started to break up, giving some lovely coloured clouds and patches of blue sky. It never completely cleared and remained mostly grey for the rest of the day.

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