An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Boxing Day Blues...

AND a sliver of golden spire....

When those blues are the most deep, glorious and delicious, and after the sheer misery for me of Christmas Day on my own, the two hours standing about on a riverbank, watching the swans, the sun going down (behind me), the warm tones slowly turning to cool ones...

Note the feeding swan which has kept relatively still for the entire 15 seconds of the exposure. The spindly BeFree tripod was not my brightest idea, but it was just about up to the job.

Des, who I'm meeting up with tomorrow, mocks and scorns at my 'over-reliance' on Salisbury Cathedral as a photographic subject, BUT if you're living with a supermodel, then you're going to photograph her, lots! And as there was no public transportation today, I was rather limited. 

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