Feather Filaments

I spent a little time this evening fooling around with the macro lens, a white feather, and various processing software programs.  I find that this is the best way for me to learn to use the software...just keep trying things...sometimes not so successfully. Oh well. 

We went to see the movie "Jackie" today and it was excellent.  Natalie Portman really captured her and I am sure will receive an Oscar nomination for this role.  I am old enough to have vivid memories of the assassination and funeral and this movie brought it all back.  I was in quite a puddle of tears when the movie ended, and it took me a few moments to pull myself together. It was quite an overreaction which I think is due to the fact that we have come so very far from Camelot.  If you get the chance, it is definitely worth seeing. 

Don't forget that tomorrow is Tiny Tuesday and the tag is TT83.  The host for January will be Paladian.

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