
By NinaH


Today we had education evening for different private daycare center employees.
I had art&crafting for them. One was painting/silk paper/scraping- stuff. Other work was with aquarel & cling wrap picture... and of course I love to use photography with my work with children. I used Aino´s angel picture as example.
Had couple more simple examples for crafting with children, lots of stuff for 45 minutes... But brand new things for them. My co-workers had some music & activity stuff for them. Very productive evening and I think they had much new ideas for their own work from all of us. Thats why I like this so much! I love the thought that they might enjoy more of their work with children by todays stuff :) I know, I have done so when I have learned new things, and every time when I do so -I´m exited to try it and make it to look how I have understand it - or see/feel it... when improvise life is more interesting!

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