first of many presents

A lovely day. Lots of pressies for Fred, spread out over the day. Some nice pressies for me too. A fantastic skype call with my son and his family this morning, and I was able to see Oscar and Mila opening the big boxes of presents I had sent them. Really really nice. 

The most relaxed Christmas dinner cooking ever - a turkey crown and a nut roast with all the trimmings which all came together really smoothly even though we forgot to have our starter. Fred tucked in and really enjoyed his first Christmas dinner and even ate all the sprouts first !

A nice chilled afternoon watching kiddies's movies and playing with Fred and his new toys and eventually having Christmas pudding and the rest. 
Fred's been on fine form all day with not a grizzle or a grumble out of him. 
He went off to bed a bit later than usual, happy out. 
An hour later he woke up with breathing difficulties, and a nasty, clearly painful, barking cough. His mum thought he might have inhaled something. He went back to sleep but woke an hour later much worse. 
So off we went to the emergency doctor, feeling really grateful that there are people there to help even on Christmas day.  Croup probably, the doctor said, but if he has inhaled something then he had better have a chest xray. So off we set on the 90 minute drive to the city, with not enough petrol to  get home, to the A&E department. He had an initial assessment but no decision about an xray and we were sent to sit in the children's waiting room, fourth in a queue of poorly babes. 
Two hours later, with no sign of a doctor, Fred was scootling up and down the corridors shrieking with laughter. His mum talked it over with a nurse and took the decision to leave without the xray, as there was clearly nothing much wrong with him after all.
Thankfully we found a filling station open. 
We got home at three a.m. A fine end to our lovely Christmas day. But at least Fred is ok. 

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