Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

flower girl

We've had such a busy day today. Busy.

First up was swimming lesson 1. Miss pink's lesson. She cried a lot. And it was painful watching through the window as she cried for mummy. It went against all my mummy instincts. But she stuck with it, and at the end they played with balls, and ducks and squirty fish, and then she let a little smile sneak out. And then she sat on the float "island" without anyone holding her. She earnt her chocolate buttons.

After swimming 1 we went for hair cuts. All of us.

Hairdressers to home, for a pick swap over of swimming bags and to pick up some car picnic. Car picnic eaten and we went to Beth chatto's garden, where they had a wildlife fun day going on. We met up with our friends Imogen and her little girl Jessica. The children took part in a forest school which was brilliant. It was based on a story about Winnie the witch. The children had to collect things from around the woods to feed the Wizard's senses as he had stolen something from Winnie the Witch. When we had collected enough stuff then the golden bag would be found with Winnie's lost item in!!! Well we found some exciting things, and Miss Pink seemed to really enjoy it.
After our treasure hunt, we got to open the bag which had Winnie's black cat in it. We made some music using wooden sticks. And then to reward all the hard work we made flower crowns. They were really beautiful. I enjoyed wearing Master pink's around the gardens. ;)
After our forest school adventure we visited the different stands collecting stickers and leaflets and bits and bobs. the National trust had windmills to make, and the Essex Wildlife Trusthad clay/pinecone hedeghogs to make. Wehad a great time. Thankyou Imogen for organising our trip. the girls had lots of cuddles and played beautifully together, and Master Pink had chocolate cake so he was happy too.
Then a quick drive down the A12o for the second swimming lesson of the day. Phew.

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