
By carmi


So, this is our new addition Sprocket. He is an Apricot Lhasa Apso and is 3 years old. There is a friend at work who painted the lovely picture of our Harry (who passed on 31/10/16) asked me if I would consider another dog. I told her that I would but I didn't want a puppy and I wanted to make a difference to a little doggie ie a rescue dog. She told me that one of her neighbours had a little dog that they didn't want, he had grown out of the cute puppy stage, he was kept under the stairs, never walked and wasn't really looked after other than fed. We picked him up the following evening. He was a state, a big, dirty, smelly, furball with no face. We took him home and for the next week he was jabbed, groomed, castrated, poor little fellow. But he was walked to the point where he had to be carried and we have loved him from the moment we saw him. He has filled a big Harry shaped hole and even though we have only had him 3 weeks he clearly loves us too.

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