The Bad Influence: A Portrait of Dexter

I mentioned in yesterday's posting that I had high hopes for accomplishing things over my holiday break, but that it really wasn't happening so far, and I offered up some excuses as to why that might be. One of the items I noted was the bad influence of That Tabbycat, Dexter. I thought that in today's posting, I might expound on that a bit.

First, though, this is a portrait of Dexter posing on our bed, standing on top of my next intended project. For Dexter is as helpful a Tabbycat as ever there was one, and he insists on being party to every single project that takes place in our house. As my dad would say, it's a poor project that can't afford a supervisor!

Dexter is also a relentless Eater of Tape, and as my next task was to retape the back of a poster that was falling out of its frame (gravity apparently works in mysterious ways, folks), he was here to help out with whatever I was doing. He was, in this shot, demonstrating No Apparent Interest At All in the tape. Yeah, right; like I was born yesterday . . .

Dexter and I like to hang out in the master bedroom. It's snug and cozy and there is lots of entertainment available (see those racks of DVD movies in the background? see also those rumpled reindeer on a sled - stars of a prior blip - trampled by Tabbycat Feet?).

There are also lots of comfy blankies and pillows, and we keep the Christmas tree - just above the fan, outside of frame - lit almost every hour that I'm home. It's a fun place to work on projects. So yes, we make lots of plans.

But then the cat sits on the bed and looks at me with those eyes that ask, "Wouldn't you rather sit under the covers with me and stare at the Christmas tree, or look out the windows at the snow, or read your book, while I nap?"  *sigh* And I'm toast . . . again. A bad influence, yes, indeed!

The soundtrack: U2, Bad, from the 1985 Live Aid concert.

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