Across the rooftops

Backblipping our holiday in Dubrovnik

A day full of fantastic experiences. We started towards the Dubrovnik old town walls. The friendly guy at the gate sold us out tickets but gave us some wise advice: its going to rain he said, and you only have one chance to walk the walls, you don't want to do it in a thunderstorm. Go for a coffee, come back later in the day.

We took his advice, and the heavens opened just as we sat down in the fancy coffee shop at the end of the Stradun. A happy hour of coffee and free WiFi and then we wandered in wet streets for a bit, taking in the Franciscan monastery and the Buza bar, clinging to the cliffs outside the walls.

Then blue skys and hot sun for our walk on the walls, with angle after angle of the red tiled roofs.

An extra added, plus another balcony sunset.

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