Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

No piece of cake

back blilp

Arrived at my sister's and brother in law's for a couple of days and theirs was another day of labour at the farm with agonies haunting them in the back of their minds.
Here's my dear brother in law blipped while eating a sweet now that he still can enjoy that. He's enjoyed foods, fruits etc. all his life and now must bear patience till this week's Friday to learn what his options are and whether he can continue eating like before or not. Jelle is such a brave man, he says: 'things are badly wrong now, but what can I do? I'll carry on as long as I can.'

The cancer is camping out in his stomach right now and the latest testresults will show then whether or not it makes sense to replace stomach and oesophagus by intestine, or not anymore.

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