
there are 14 million bicycles in the Netherlands - that's virtually one for every living (t)here.

(we have three for the two of us...)

The classic Dutch Bicycle is a solid, black machine which you ride in a sit-up-and-beg position - more Miss Marple than Tour de France.

...the first rule of the Dutch Highway Code is that even riding without a light, in the middle of the night, in the wrong direction up a one way street the cyclist is always right...

(always, always right...)

To the dutch mind the bicycle is more and extension of the body than a separate means of transport. people behave on bicycles as they would do if they were walking. Lovers cycle hand-in-hand. If it's raining, cyclists put up their umbrellas and pedal on.

(i've even seen people reading while cycling!!....and waving of course!!)

Xenophobe's guide to the DUTCH

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