
By Cygnus

Imagination space

I wasn't sure what to have for my final blip of 2016, but then I remembered my 'reading nook', a place newly arranged this year. Previously, my desk sat in this spot, covered in papers and books and various (numerous) items of stationery.

This, my second year of 'early' retirement (i.e. no pension yet!) saw me stepping back from school and relaxing a lot more! So the desk was donated to the daughter of a friend and a sofa was moved into the wee sweet spot under the east-facing window. I have read so many books this year! The wee selection shown here are on my still-to-read list, as well as half a dozen on my kindle.

As I write my younger daughter is spending New Year's Eve battling with immigration in Malawi, trying to catch her flight to the UK in order to sit her next set of medical exams. I am praying that the powers that be see sense and accept her paperwork (a receipt for a document, as the document itself has still not arrived with her after 6 months of waiting!). God speed, precious x

And to all in blipland, a very Happy New Year. X

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