
By LuvU2

My Christmas Prezzies

Yeaaahh! I got Mama Mia, the Movie! Só much wanted to see it, but, no movie house in our part of the world! So, they did some behind the scenes planning, my friend in SA bought it, amongst some other necessities, and sent it by DHL!!

The other part of my prezzie was even a bigger bargain, being such a serious Blipper now!! Ha-ha-ha!! They bought me Corel Paint Shop Pro Ultimate PHOTO x2 online (licensed to me) downloaded it, wrote a CD of it, and the Original Set will be mailed to us, to be expected early next week!

I am só thrilled, will have to play with it in the weeks to come! Brace yourselves for LOTS of experiments! Eeeeééékkk!!!

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