Liberty Bell

From Republic yesterday morning, through the north central Okanogan gentle hills, sage and farm mix, two lane roads empty and just for us, tiny slotted lakes, we rolled along as that kind of country invites to see what is around the next bend, in the next valley until we reached the flat hot Okanogan valley along the Okanogan river. We thought to stay in Mom's town of Tonasket but with 94 degrees the reading on the local bank marquee we pushed on to the base of the North Cascades in a favorite campsite we have stayed at other trips.

A cold morning there, and up we went with our packed van for a hike stopping first to gawk at this mammoth massif that we have sat and looked at for hours at a time. Tom is a retired climber and loves to pick out the routes. Then on to our most favorite of all hikes, a 7.5 mile loop up to the top of two passes so quite an altitude climb. T. found his steady pace to happily complete the cirque in one piece and me most relieved.

Heading for the campground we were sure had a shower, old memories fail, and being 5 days without, we instead at 5:30 headed the two hours from North Cascades Park for one we knew to be reliable in a tiny houseboat in Seattle. Here we sit, the next morning, with our tea and maps and happy in our 8 days away. Somehow it was just enough, and the plan is to got to Mt. Rainier for two other hikes, T most enthused to keep up the work.

I cannot think of a more full more lovely week for us in a mighty long time!

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