My 2016 365 book

As mentioned a few days ago, this arrived late last week and overall I'm very pleased with it. Although I used a different company (couldn't remember the name of the company that did my 2015 book), they have not let me down. I have however let myself down a little mainly with the title on the spine which says 2016 (doh) and a few typos inside but not as many as in my previous 365 books. 

Busy day at work and not helped by an unnecessary escalation from some prat in Germany who chose to whinge that something he needs done has not been done. Quite right my friend, it has not been done because management agreed it was not our top priority. It was also suggested back in October that if it was important, you should do it yourself. As you haven't done so, I can only assume it wasn't that important to you. Now crawl back into your little hole and let me get on with something important.

Missed my spin class due to work - never mind. 'An hour of power' is going to be so tough tomorrow, I could probably do with the rest today.

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