Mono Monday . . . Resolutions

River stones timber
Bricks, chips, landscaping mixtures
Remove to transform

A boarder of these river stones stretches almost the length of the house on one side.  There is one carpet rose in the middle.  It gets all day sun so my plan is to remove the stones and create an herbaceous border.  That is my New Year's resolution.  It's not what most people plan to do I know but then I'm not most people ;-)  I do have the usual ones: walk more, eat better, be kind.  I didn't do very well with the walking one today because I didn't go with the forester and daughter who walked 10 k's at Rabbit Island to see the beached sperm whale.  Daughter took some good photos on her phone.  It has impressive teeth.  It is going to be blessed tomorrow and then I think it will be buried.
Thank you Marlieske for being this months host of Mono Monday.  Good luck to all who do make resolutions.  May the force be with you.

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