
By Grimsayer


The proposed land yachting was put on hold as the northerly wind was pretty strong - and very cold. The powers that be decided that we ought to go fishing instead. Rooting around in the house and we eventually found all the requisite tackle and then set off into the sunshine.
Firstly we had to find a supply of worms and then an appropriate spot. We ended up, after a couple of abortive other attempts, on the pontoons in Lochmaddy harbour.
Greatest benefit was that the non-participants could watch from the warmth of the car and it was a quite decent sunset. Needless to say, no fish on the menu for supper.
A brief visit to friends on Grimsay to keep topped up on nibbles and wine before retiring home to extensive slices of freshly roast gammon, tasting much better than any Pollock we might have caught.

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