let it snow...


i woke this morning to a tapping sound

struggling to get out of bed to see what was going on - i made it out to my living room to see miss mollie-boo - stretched full length against the window with her - little paws tapping lightly (actually it was more like mad) - on the glass trying to get at snowflakes which had begun falling - silly kitty-boo! - this is one of mollie's favorite games when it's snowing out - she thinks she can catch the snowflakes as they fall - being a kitty, she doesn't quite understand the dilemma of glass hampering her goal - she simply believes as long as she continues making repeated efforts to - catch said snowflakes, it should come to pass

what would happen if we humans had that kind of philosophy - if we didn't allow a little somethin' to get in the way - of us making progress on goals or taking that step into the unknown - if we refused to let fear control us because just maybe - there was a snowflake waiting to fall and make it...


happy day.....

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