Duffy Creek

I had a great night catching up with friends just north of Westport last night, then this morning I headed to Hanmer via Reefton and the Rahu Saddle. 

I had thought I'd stop often as the route through the Rahu is lovely native bush and lots of creeks.  The reality is that it was raining heavily and I only braved stopping at two creeks.  

The first didn't have a lot to offer photographically as it had a lot of foliage in the way of the water.  The second, Duffy Creek, was very photogenic - although it was so dark in the bush behind those rocks that it wasn't easy getting any depth to the photo.

Why do I know the name of today's creek when I didn't know yesterday's one?  Because today I had the sense to take a photo of the creek name before taking photos.  

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