Red Squirrel


Can Ya Tell What It Is Yet?


I went on a blip hunt in the grounds of County Hall once more at lunchtime, but today's been windy and mostly grey. There wan't much about. However, on my way back to the office I passed what was to become my blip, and it really caught my eye. To me it was both visually lovely and great blip fodder! It should be quite easy to see what it is - but to make it clearer here's a shot of the fork and entire wheel. It's on a Suzuki GSXR (no idea what engine size!) and I thought these wheels were quite stunning - highly decorative as well as functional. Why should functional every-day things have to be boring?

On my Wednesday blip LadyMarchmont asked about the size of the bracket fungus I showed a close up of . Well today I popped back into Bracondale wood to check out the size - it's about 15" high, about 11" across at the widest point and the edge of the biggest bracket is about 6" away from the trunk - so it's pretty big! Just to illustrate the size of both the fungus and the large chunk out of the tree's trunk here's a shot from further back.

On July 31st I blipped the stunning markings on an area of tree trunk in County Hall, complete with an equally stunning Leopard slug on top. Today I also went to have a look at that tree trunk. In the intervening time the sun has dried the surface, and bleached out the once beautiful colors. This is what it looks like now. How sad ....

Have a great weekend blipfolk xx

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