The Nature of Light

Cold and sunny morning today -16c, so I decided to take a camera with me and make a visit to the city centre. 

Few days ago my blipfriend Outi did visit into an art gallery Himmelblau to see a scotch artist's mr Charles Sandison's work "The Nature of light".

There is 5.488.543 points of light in the work, forming lines, streams or just moving around slowly - as many points of light as we have people in Finland. There is computers counting the points' moves and against the mirrows of the walls the room looks like very abstract universe.

The idea is that You can walk into the big hall and stay in the middle of all the points. Very relaxing and enjoyable place. I noticed that I accidentally stayed there almost an hour...

If interested, the link to the art gallery is here: Himmelblau 

After my visit to the gallery, I made an hour walk in the city. So lovely crispy weather. After sunset we had -20c. Tomorrow will maybe be colder. 


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