Ben's Lens

By benslens

Muffler Men

I had an appointment in downtown Walla Walla today and thus got away from the university for a couple hours. I took my camera and stopped on ninth avenue to photograph these great people made out of old car mufflers and exhaust piping. The alien, knight in armor, flute player, and skeleton along the sidewalk first caught my attention. When I stopped I discovered many more figures around the shop. The above family came out best because of the direction of the sun but there were many others including a complete rock band made of muffler people.

The weather here remains really cold for the region. When these were taken today it was 4 F out (about -15 C). Back in Montana, where we lived just over a year ago, it was -25 F (-32 C Yikes!) but single digits is quite cold for this part of Washington. Fortunately, I kept my battery in my pocket instead of in the camera in the car while I was in my meeting.

That was it for photo-fun today. I otherwise taught a 3 hour statistics lab and met with quite a few students, but that is a different type of fun.

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