
...and a veritable fishy smorgasbord on offer at 'the fish van' which has been parked under this very tree every Friday and weekend since I have lived in the Perth Hills.
And that is 30 years or so!!
Now thankfully they are keeping up with the times with Eftpos and no scrabbling about for notes and coins loitering in the depths of a black bag.

Today I bought (dinkum) Aussie prawns and Fremantle sardines...yummmo!

Cobbler, by the way, are an eel tailed catfish and endemic to Australia. Delicious but step on one to your peril...beware their venomous spine.
Many years ago we went prawn fishing in the Swan River with friends one of whom stood on a cobbler and he was not a happy chappy for the rest of the night.

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