"Tea Vicar,?"

Today I went to the Vicarage for an Epiphany Party hosted by our lovely Revd. Peter. Wine was also provided along with a delicious buffet. What a great time we had.It would have made a great Video for Youve been framed.Someone spilt red wine on the carpet (beige) No it was NOT me though I confess to drinking ONE glass of red. The culprit looked in the other direction. Someone Googled how to remove stains.Peter and his Mam,Elizabeth were on all fours scrubbing away at the carpet. A Pkt of salt a bottle of soda and a bottle of white wine later the stains disappeared.Personally I thought it a waste of wine but I guess it was cheaper than buying a new carpet. I was in the kitchen doing a King Alfred watching the Pizza didn't burn:) After that little episode I went round taking photos for the Parish Magazine.About 90% of Parishioners refused (even with a drink) Oh well you can't win em all.After 2 glasses of wine I set off for home assuring Elizabeth I would ring to say I arrived.It switched onto answer phone and I've heard no more.I can only guess they're finishing off the Vino or still at the carpet.

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