
Tip......Don't listen to your satnav!

I struggled to get up this morning, but I'm on holiday so who cares ha ha ha. I did manage to open one eye as a text bleeped at a quarter to eleven....it was Pat wondering if I was playing out. I got up and was ready in an hour and we decided to head to Burnley to see the Singing Ringing Tree.

It was a very foggy drive with drizzly rain and I had hoped for an atmospheric photo of the sculpture. Well, we followed the satnav to Burnley...all was going fine until we were told to turn off the main road onto a sharp right hand road. Hmmm, I say road, it was more of a track that was just wide enough for the car. We inched our way upwards, passed a sign that told us to drive slowly ahead...we could hardly go any slower. There was no-one about apart from some poor muddy, rain sodden cows and some very miserable geese. There was mud, there was a tractor, there was a depressingly run down barn....but no people. It was grey and wet and eerie and the satnav suddenly announced we had reached our destination.

There was no sign of a statue, in fact the only sign was a large hand painted one warning us of a dog. We were glad to pass the farm....onwards and upwards. The road became muddy, potholed and...to an end. With difficulty we reversed back and slunk passed the scary farm and back to the main road where we breathed a sigh of relief.

We decided to stay on the road and surely spot a sign. We drove through Bacup and Rossendale and headed towards Rawtenstall....no signs. In fact no people. Just drizzle and fog. We decided to cut our losses and go into Rawtenstall as there are some nice shops there. We drove in circles, we couldn't find a parking space, we needed the loo!

So, to cut a long story short.....Pat and I went on a long drive to Burnley and nipped to the loo in Asda at Rawtenstall before heading home and meeting up with the coven for a gossip and a cuppa or three. 

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