and through the wire...

By hesscat

Fly Tippers

As we were driving home last night, we came across some trash some fly tippers had left on the roadside. Usually they dump it off the road, in a lay-by or in front of a gate to a field, but these guys couldn't be bothered with that... i think there was a washing machine there sticking out into the road. I hope, and I am sure will be corrected, that with it being on the road, the council need to clear it up rather than landowners/farmers. It annoys the hell out of me and I don't even need to deal with it...

And then we wake up today and find this junk outside our door... un-real. Well, it is unreal, as it's not true. We started storing stuff in our loft 21 years ago, a lot of it came in really handy as we sold stuff... but since we plan to convert the remaining part of our loft into a store room for real storage, I thought we'd clear it out. That's the trouble with space, you just fill it and don't care since you never see it. Our attic is also a horrible place to go in so it's a big effort to have to go in it, followed by showers.

So all this stuff came from an attic that fits between these 2 chimneys, the attic wasn't full, and we've kept about 25% of the stuff, there is loads of space now. Obviously the wide angle lens makes this pile looks massive, and the house small. It is going to take all week to get it to the dump though...

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