My birthday pressie from me to me - a new camera :)

And Shai the dog was my pressie from Nic and Kade.

Been spoiled for my birthday by Fraser. He was over last night for Christmas and he let me get my birthday pressies after midnight. Got Jean Paul Gailtier shower gel (yum) and a foot spa! Wanted one for ages (that was after getting a DVD player off him for Christmas and other goodies)

He's coming over tonight so I will be putting my new camera to use :)

My friend Kath gave me a new CD player - been after one of those for ages too. So thanx to them both for making my birthday fabby.

Besides from that it's been a slog in the kitchen as usual - I am in the middle of making our meal as I type and had no help from Nic even afer asking her to do the veg and yelling 'IT'S MY BIRTHDAY' at her when she refused. :(

... Not even a call from my Mother to say Happy Birthday...

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