
By dunkyc

Saying goodb...see you soon!

The Carmenator and I had a fantastic week together and on the long drive back to Cumbria from Essex we spoke lots, giggled and laughed.

It's a very strange thing, that despite the fact I live apart from her, I feel closer to her now than I ever have before.

On Saturday, I found it very tough piling all her stuff by the front door ready for her mum to collect her and spirit her off for another week. To try and make things easier for both of us, Carmen and I always try and say "say you soon" as opposed to "good bye". Silly thing, but in many ways I do think it helps.

I wasn't in a good way once she'd gone and the door closed, but I am very lucky to have an incredibly supportive partner to put her arms around me and then give me a good kick up the arse when I've been moping for long enough!

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