campervan man

By campervan

Some Christmassy bits are still around

The plant looks quite health considering we have had it for about a month already
The weather mot good today so putting some time and effort in reducing the number of chocolates left over from Christmas. Not easy but with dedication I am sure I will succeed
Today's blip is the first using my new (Christmas again) tripod. The camera position is controlled by three knobs, one of which is only the locking screw. It is therefore surprising how many variations of wrong I can manage before stumbling on a right selection.
My other photographic Christmas present was a graduated filter which was a great toy to play with when the sun was out (so not today then). I  had a major melt down however when I found I could not get it off the front of the lens. After many attempts over several days I was finally rescued by my visiting cousin who is a professional photographer. I suspect he would prefer to be know for his amazing photographs rather than his skills in filter shifting. Thanks anyway Nigel 

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