Putting it together

A wet and wild night out in Langdale last night.
Session three of my progressive night time navigation workshops - I always have a wry smile at the people who don't feel they need to do the 'easier' sessions - and sure enough last night they were the ones who struggled most. L&C have come to all of the sessions - and they aced 5/6 - and were able to work out #6 with a little guidance - so pretty much assessment standard.
After a very wet start to the day the afternoon turned lovely in our corner of Cumbria - but I'd seen the forecast - so meeting up at the Stickle Car Park at 19:00 I was already in full winter weight goretex - thirty minutes later so was everyone else. Our journey took in ever decreasing points that forced the participants to use different strategies - its pretty difficult to pace over wet scree, bearings don't work round corners - and my particular favourite - just because its drawn on the map - doesn't mean its there.

This blip shows the candidates being asked to rellocate at a bridge - it's what I call a wake-up task, it seems too easy. Sure enough half the group pointed to the bridge on the map - well thats been gone two years, was 250m furth up ghyll and on a different aspect. If these four had looked up, maybe gone for a small wander in any direction - they'd have seen an abundance of features that would dispprove their assumption and confirm an actual location.  L&C are out of shot doing exactly that.

Just after this the sleet started to hit with enough force to sting - so I decided little camera was best stowed away. 

Driving into the valley I'd seen a couple of the Mountain Rescue Team that I knew - I'd stopped for a chat & explained that they might well see some headtorches moving in odd ways - we might get called in - they appreciate that sort of thing, removing the need for uneccessary call out, albeit usually reported with good intent. They were doing support for a team out tracking down a lost couple in the treacherous White Ghyll area. Leaving the valley at 23:30 I was happy to see that the landrover had gone and the couple had been found - a sarloc trace on their mobile phones making for a speedy rescue - hopefully the team made last orders (we just missed it!)

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