
By hannahstar

Strange Weather

Today's been a bit of a strange day. I haven't really done anything really!
This photograph basically sums up today's weather. One minute it has been sunny and then it's been raining, at this point it was as thought there was a divide down the middle of the sky with really grey cloudy sky on one side and brilliant blue on the other!
The weather really couldn't make up it's mind what to do today, and neither could I!
With mum being away for the weekend it fell to me to get lunch ready. We had soup, I was just dishing it out into the bowls and I paused for a second balancing the spoon in the saucepan to turn off the radio. The next thing I knew was that the spoon has fallen out onto the the kitchen floor getting soup everywhere!! What a mess it made! Fortunately Nathanael (my brother) was on hand to clear it up for me. Thanks Nathanael :)
One good thing - we had a BBQ this evening. Yummy!! :D

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